Tuesday, October 7, 2008

important charts

comex gold day chart

comex gold week chart


safe trade calls


for the day buy only abv 13450 S/L 13420 and T/p 13500/towards 13600 OR sell below 13150 S/L 13190 and T/p 13110-13090/sustain below towards 12950 in coming days (any time close above 13450/13800-860 bullish while close below 12700-625/12425/11775/ 11250 bearish for medium term)


we book profit on sell below 20875/ 20650/20000/18700, for the day sell below 18800 S/L 18870 and T/p 18725/ 18600-550/sustain below towards 18000 in coming days OR buy only abv 19400 S/L 19300 and T/p 19500/600/towards 19800 (any time close below 18550/ 17650 bearish rally while close above 20500/21400/22150/25250/26350/ 27475/28000 bullish for medium term)


book profit on sell below 4350 & 4325, fresh sell below 4255 & more below 4240 S/L 4280 and T/p 4200/sustain close below 4240 seen towards 4000 in coming days OR sell ard 4430-35 S/L 4440 and T/p 4400-4385/4350 (now crude need to close above 4800/4960-5030/5305/5460 for bullish rally while close below 4240/3960 bearish for medium term)


THIS WAS OUR WORDS YESTERDAY "sustain below 272 test 266 atleast" ACHIEVED AS DAYS LOW WAS 265.75. book profit on sell below 313.5/ 303/299.5/288.5/272, for the day sell only below 265.5 & 265 S/L 266.8 and T/p 263-262/upto 260 OR sell ard 275.8-276 S/L 276.5 and T/p 274-272/270(upside strong rally only on close above 305/316/327/339/351.25/360.5/387/398 while close below 265/251.5/235 bearish for medium term)

for intraday and short time calls, please contact